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God Told Me NOT to Go to Bible Study!

God wants to challenge you to step outside the box of religion and your own mental reasoning this year and be led by the His Spirit! He wants you to be in tune with Holy Spirit and don’t reject the steps or actions God may have you take to draw closer to Him or reject the answer to your prayers because it doesn’t look like what you “think” it should or it seems unconventional. Trust His leading, stay in faith, and go for it!

Now you may get some looks, side-eye, be bad-mouthed, shunned or excluded, or whatever negativity the enemy may try to throw your way to distract or discourage you…BUT stay on the mark– Stay in faith! You have to trust how God is leading you.

So be encouraged today and empowered in your spirit to follow after Him…even when it doesn’t make natural sense! As one of my favorite Donald Lawrence songs says “For the rest of my life I’m not making sense…I’m making faith!”

Go forth and be blessed!

Until next time….Smooches:)

Part Two…Extra!

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