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Day 6-The Soundtrack to My Life!

For the Good of Them by Milton Brunson & The Thompson Community Singers

So today’s song is another Holy Spirit takeover because this one was completely unplanned and not on the list! But as I was praying this morning this song just welled up inside my spirit. Since I didn’t have a personal story or testimony to share about this song,  I asked the Holy Spirit what I should share for the post and He said that this song was a response to someone who listened and read the post for Day 5. Now, I don’t know what this means to whoever it’s for nor will I attempt to try to give commentary on what “I think.” But what I will do is just share exactly what God shared with me, how he gave it to me, and let the Holy Spirit do the rest!

You said to yourself, “I don’t know, Jesus! I don’t think I can do this.” And His word/response to you is “It’s not too late! You are right on time.” You love God. You used to be in a close relationship with Him but something happened. You suffered a loss and though you didn’t blame God for it you were terribly upset at the outcome because you didn’t understand. You prayed and did all the things you knew to do but didn’t get the outcome you desired. He’s been tugging on your heart lately and you’ve been trying your best to ignore it. But here you are on this blog and His word to you is, “I still love you and I miss you. I want you back! It’s gonna be okay.” You’re not too late!

Lastly, when I spoke about feeling abandoned in the Day 5 post you thought to yourself that you’ve felt left behind. You feel like everyone else has had like a headstart because you stopped. You stopped not because you didn’t love God but because you were hurt and didn’t understand and you still don’t. And it’s been years. Every now and then you’ve felt that tug in your heart and you know it’s Him but you’ve been shrugging it off. But someone sent this to you and now you’re here!

Well, God loves you so much that He changed my whole schedule to let you know it’s not too late. He still loves you and He’s never stopped. Everything you’ve been through is bringing you closer to who He has purposed you to be.

That’s it! I’m not going to add my two cents or try to interpret. It is what it is.  What I’ve learned on this journey is that obedience is everything and that our acts of obedience are sometimes the answer to someone else’s prayer. So, I pray that this message reaches the special person it was meant for because there is something that you have that the world is waiting for…And it’s not too late!

Until next time…Be Blessed & Go Forth in Faith…Smooches😘😘

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