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I Did IT!

I’m back!! It’s been an interesting two months since I last checked in. Back in February when I posted, “I Can’t Do This!” I was struggling with moving forward and I honestly didn’t think I could muster up enough strength to do that next thing God was calling me to do. Well, all glory be to God and God alone…I was able to do it! I am now a certified life coach…YAY!

I am super stoked to be able to add those skills to my toolbelt! God is so amazing because He gave me the strength, wisdom, and courage to finish! And in those times when I was like “What have I gotten myself into?” He was right there to walk me through and help me overcome all of my old self-sabotaging ways!! 

On another note…I’ve been wanting to get back to posting so badly because He’s been giving me some good stuff!! I have some amazing new content and projects coming down the pipeline that I can’t wait to share…So stay tuned!

Lastly, I want to invite you to go on a spiritual journey with me through music! Inspired by the latest post “Go Get Your Life Back.” The Holy Spirit has challenged me to do a 30-Day Challenge where I will share songs that have played a significant role in my spiritual journey. God has used music as a way to speak to me and guide me throughout my life, especially, when I’m transitioning from one season to another. A few years ago, I pulled all of those songs into a playlist on YouTube as a source of inspiration and now I want to share them with you.

So for the next 30 days, join me on this journey through The Soundtrack to My Life! 

Until next time…Be Blessed & Go Forth in Faith…Smooches😘😘

30-Day Challenge…The Soundtrack to My Life!

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