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Day 27-The Soundtrack to My Life!

Wait On You by Elevation Worship & Maverick City Music

Today’s song is Wait On You by Elevation Worship & Maverick City Music.

This song came to me as I entered this current season with the Lord. I had to make a decision to answer the call on my life for ministry. What was that going to look like for me? I had no idea and still don’t. But I had to make a decision to keep moving in the direction He was leading me. 

When I said yes to Him, He told me to wait. Sounds crazy right? He brings me to this place of surrender and then says “Great! Now sit.” Doesn’t make sense in the natural scheme of things, but I had to truly learn how to submit to God’s timing. He had to bring me to a place of surrender that was completely void of my own understanding, timetable, and ways. I had to accept that if He decided that I wouldn’t fulfill my purpose until the age of 50, 60, or even 80, I’d wait! Waiting isn’t easy especially living in this age of “your best life now!” Waiting for anything seems like taboo and the opposite of everything God was calling me to, but I made the decision to wait on Him. 

One thing I’ve learned in my journey is the importance of waiting! There have been times throughout when I’ve gotten so excited that I just took off running and other times when I lagged behind. In the past, I thought all of these occurrences were huge failures on my part. But what I’ve learned is that it’s all part of the process of being transformed. What other way can the Lord work out the things inside of me that are holding me back unless I am confronted with them? How else could I know what was in my heart unless He showed me? So while looking in from the outside it looks like disobedience, from the inside out it looks a lot like developing character. Thank God that His ways and thoughts are higher than ours. Thank God that He looks at the heart!

During this time He connected me with an amazing online ministry with just the word I needed to walk me through the beginning of this season–Here is Holy!  God is so amazing. No one can do what He does. He gives us exactly what we need when we need it. He knows exactly where you need to be, when, and how long you need to be there. That’s why following His way and His timing are so crucial. 

This series kept me anchored! It kept me focused on the right things. It kept me right in the center of God’s will for my life. Every week without fail the message was just confirmation of my time spent with God. Nothing was foreign and nothing was out of alignment. I don’t have words for how important it is to allow God to move you where you need to be at any given moment in life. I’ve learned how to be flexible and have no agenda! The Word says man’s heart deviseth his ways but the Lord directs His steps. God was preparing me like a Hebrew bride before her wedding day. He was taking me through a purification process. He truly is perfect in all of His ways.

I am so emotional as I write this because I can SEE! I can see how He has walked me through this entire journey to get to this point. The girl who was back in her room in 1999 would have never dreamed of doing videos, publishing her writing, or publicly professing her love for God. She would have never left her job to attend a conference. She would’ve never moved 2000 miles away from home with nothing more than a word from God. She would’ve never let go of everything she was pursuing to just sit at the feet of Jesus. She would’ve never spent an entire year trusting God for every single provision– which He provided without fail! But the girl who said answered “Yes” to a loving God and Father who asked her to give Him another chance to prove who He was–that girl–though she may not have been able to see it all then, she trusted the God who saw her.

Well, that’s all I have for you today! Love you, Fam💕

My story isn’t anywhere near over! I’m still in this season. There is still so much more to come. Stay tuned!

Until next time…Be Blessed & Go Forth In Faith…Smooches 😘😘

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