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Day 26-The Soundtrack to My Life!

Yes by Shekinah Glory

Today’s song, Yes by Shekinah Glory, is another oldie but goodie. 

The end of the year was approaching and I had planned to take the month of December off in order to plan for my business for the first quarter. As it got closer to the end of November, I started sensing that God was tugging on me to spend time with Him. I would typically have my one-on-one time with the Lord at the top of the new year to fast, pray, reflect, and receive any instruction for the new year, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that He wanted my attention now.

As December 1st approached, I started having this intense feeling of loss. My heart was heavy. And to be quite honest, the intensity was so great, that I thought I was going to die. It felt so real to me that I shared those feelings with my niece–while also admonishing her not to freak out! I was going to be out of communication with everyone until the new year, but I wanted to give her permission to check on me to make sure I was still alive!

The first week it was hard to settle down. I went into this time with an agenda. I thought I’d be planning for the business as well as hearing from God. I had my huge wall calendars for the next three months up so I could plan for the first quarter. I had a list of all the goals and milestones I needed to hit to make things happen. But I would soon learn that God had other intentions not only for this time but for me.

One day I was walking down the street and I witnessed a car accident right before my eyes. The accident was so close to me that had I been walking at my normal pace I could’ve quite possibly been hit by the car that crossed my path as it ended up in the front yard of the house I was standing in front of, or by the car that ran up on the corner where I would’ve been standing to cross the street. Praise God no one was injured in the accident. However, I was so shaken by the accident not only because of how close I was to it but because I had been sensing that feeling of loss and death. Could this have been what God was trying to warn me about? Once I got home, I remember praying and thanking God for watching over me because it could’ve been bad. That’s when the Holy Spirit gently tapped me on the shoulder to get my undivided attention.

I had gone into this time off with an agenda that would very quickly be tossed to the side when the Lord asked me the same question He’d asked me two years ago. Am I Enough? When I was asked me that question in 2019 he wanted me to let everything go. I began to wonder to myself what this request would be. I had already given up so much. What more was there to give?

As I whispered “Yes” to him in my heart, the song Yes by Shekinah Glory came up in my spirit. As I played the song, it touched my heart as it usually does but there was something quite different about it this time. When the vocalist sang the words “There is more that I require of thee…and If I told you what I really need,” it was as if God was speaking this directly to my heart. That’s when I knew that there was more to that question–there was something else I had to give up!

The Holy Spirit began to lovingly reveal to me what God needed from me and what it would require, and I was scared. What He was asking for this time was going to change everything for me. There would be no turning back–I’d never be the same. Saying yes would cost me more than material things or plans I had made. It was going to require a complete death of ME. I would have to completely die to my past, to old relationships, to old familial roles, to old friendships, and to everything I was still clinging to that made me feel comfortable. I even had to die to ideals I had about God that kept Him from moving freely in my life. I knew this death of me was going to produce a version of me I’ve never known and it scared me–the unknown. But I had come too far over the past 21 years at that point to give up on God. I trusted Him–Even if I couldn’t see it.

Wherever you find yourself on your journey I pray that you continue to draw strength from His love to keep saying “Yes” to every invitation of God to go deeper and come closer. May you find all the love, peace, and joy that comes from living a life surrender to Him. 

Well, that’s all I have for you today! Love you, Fam💕

Until next time…Be Blessed & Go Forth In Faith…Smooches 😘😘

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