Well….Hey, Y’all!
See I can write all day long on just about any topic you give me but when it comes to writing about me, in this way, I get that look writers have when they’re staring at a blank computer screen with that annoyingly rude blinking cursor…LOL!
So I will do my best to give you a little bit about what makes me, ME, and if there’s something more about me you would like to know just shoot me an email. I’ll be more than happy to answer your questions:)

I’m a city girl from the southside of Chicago who fell in love with the sunshine, palm trees, and mountains when the Lord told me to move to California back in 2008. It was in Cali where God began His amazing work of transformation in my heart and life. It is also where I was introduced to and fell in love with ME!
I guess I would describe myself as pretty laid-back. I’m not too fussy, very approachable, and a good listener. I’m a proud introvert but it doesn’t mean I’m shy because I’m so not. Just means that I prefer deep meaningful conversation over small talk, small intimate gatherings over crowds because they make my head spin! And to recharge and recoup I need quiet and isolation. I love it!
I’m a pretty simple t-shirt and blue jean kind of girl with a dash of sass! Can’t do makeup to save my soul…Lol:) and at this point in my life if my hair is not in braids it’s in the almighty ponytail!
I absolutely love movies and music. The Lord actually speaks to me a lot through them so be prepared for an abundance of movie & song references…Just kidding…but not really!
I’m a dancing machine! Give me some good house music or salsa and I can dance all night long or until my over-40 kneecaps call it quits.
I try my best to make those around me laugh and smile but often my attempts at being funny probably come across as more corny than anything…but they still love me:)
I’m an avid journaler and write every day. I am a lover of books and still check books out of the library! One of my favorites that I read every year is The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.
I am a shameless multi-passionate creative & entrepreneur.
I have three amazing siblings and their spouses. Auntie to four nephews and one niece.
I currently reside in Chicago, IL…although as soon as I can I’m making a beeline back to the sunshine, palm trees, and mountains.

Well….Hey, Y’all!
See I can write all day long on just about any topic you give me but when it comes to writing about me, in this way, I get that look writers have when they’re staring at a blank computer screen with that annoyingly rude blinking cursor…LOL!
So I will do my best to give you a little bit about what makes me, ME, and if there’s something more about me you would like to know just shoot me an email. I’ll be more than happy to answer your questions:)
I’m a city girl from the southside of Chicago who fell in love with the sunshine, palm trees, and mountains when the Lord told me to move to California back in 2008. It was in Cali where God began His amazing work of transformation in my heart and life. It is also where I was introduced to and fell in love with ME!

I guess I would describe myself as pretty laid-back. I’m not too fussy, very approachable, and a good listener. I’m a proud introvert but it doesn’t mean I’m shy because I’m so not. Just means that I prefer deep meaningful conversation over small talk, small intimate gatherings over crowds because they make my head spin! And to recharge and recoup I need quiet and isolation. I love it!
I’m a pretty simple t-shirt and blue jean kind of girl with a dash of sass! Can’t do makeup to save my soul…Lol:) and at this point in my life if my hair is not in braids it’s in the almighty ponytail!
I absolutely love movies and music. The Lord actually speaks to me a lot through them so be prepared for an abundance of movie & song references…Just kidding…but not really!
I’m a dancing machine! Give me some good house music or salsa and I can dance all night long or until my over-40 kneecaps call it quits.
I try my best to make those around me laugh and smile but often my attempts at being funny probably come across as more corny than anything…but they still love me:)
I’m an avid journaler and write every day. I am a lover of books and still check books out of the library! One of my favorites that I read every year is The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.
I am a shameless multi-passionate creative & entrepreneur.
I have three amazing siblings and their spouses. Auntie to four nephews and one niece.
I currently reside in Chicago, IL…although as soon as I can I’m making a beeline back to the sunshine, palm trees, and mountains.